Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This week's winner...

... and Levi is goofy =0).

This weeks photos are... interesting. Levi is 1) full of himself after his birthday and 2) "rich" with birthday money and loot. So he's been living it up, buying himself things like candy and gum (which we allow because you only get one birthday a year, right?) ANYway... we've laughed and laughed at his pics because he didn't want to spit his gum out, but he didn't do such a good job at hiding it. These pics (especially the last couple) are definitely gonna be the ones we pull out and show his future girlfriends...

So, here he is with the names and his overly large wad of blue gum... he's happy to be doing this:

Here, he and his gum are getting ready to draw a winner:

He and his gum have chosen this week's winner!

And this week's winner is:

No gum in that one, but you know it's there, lol. Your Average Joe Jr, if you will contact us at and let us know where to mail your ring, we'll get it right out to you. And, CONGRATS!! Next week, we'll be giving away some sort of titanium ring- check our shop announcement or back here for details- we have made our minds up yet, lol. Thanks everybody and have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Joe!
    And I just wanted to let you guys know we got our sizer. Thank you very much for sending it out! We'll be making enough money for rings in the next two months or so. :'D
