It's been two years since we brooded any chicks here, so we were all thrilled when our new Buff Orpington chicks arrived last week. Now they're eleven days old and growing fast. Yesterday was really nice and warm here, so we got them all out and made a little pen in the yard so that they could be in the real sunshine and scratch like big chickens =0).
Right now we have about six older laying hens and six younger- the older girls don't give many eggs and the youngers are just getting started laying. We never have enough home eggs for everyone and have to buy store eggs each week. The kids argue over who gets "chicken eggs" verses "store eggs". We're all really looking forward to an abundance of good, fresh free-range eggs in a few months.
We've still got a long way to go, though- these guys are all still pretty small- but for now, we're ALL enjoying watching them grow up =0).
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